Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Whose decision?

The story of a burial saga in today's newspaper hit me. "A farmer is unable to bury his wife of 29years" it reads. A court ruling decided that the wifes' former husband buries her even though they had been apart for 29 years. And why? because the court doesn't recognize the latter union.This is absurd!
The farmer married the lady under customer law which is recognized here and they had 7 kids together. The farmer had paid dowry for the lady. So why this particular court failed to consider this is beyond me.
On a social level, the lady left her 1st husband and remarried. She choose to live with the farmer for all of th 29 years. So why the former husband should have his wishes considered is beyond me. Or is it a male dominance thing?
This makes the writing of a will all the more important. Unfortunately, here a community has more say than an individual. I would like to be cremated upon my demise. But I doubt even if my will took the center spread in one of our daily newspapers, it would be honored. Just last week I watched a clip on cremation on TV. A certain religious leader said that they would never cremate on of their own even if it had been the desire of the dead person.
In as much as the right to decide should be weighed in the light of its ramifications, how would my personal cremation affect another? What does the 1st husband gain/loose by having the former wife buried in his place or anywhere else? He didn't have her in life, so why in death?

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